So how are you? As I walked to get a take-away coffee this week, a local real estate agent stops me on the footpath, at the proper distancing, and says "Hey, James. What's going on, I haven't seen much activity on your socials..." It made me think, sure, it’s true, I have consciously pulled back a little, as life has changed so much lately, and priorities have also shifted. Travelling restrictions and personal distancing have affected so many in both social and financial ways, many have lost their jobs, and some are in financial difficulties. In reaction to this, I felt posting on social media as if nothing was different, would be insensitive to many, so I slowed that down, like the World has, in respect to those whose businesses are having it hard. But don’t think I’ve not been busy, getting ready to spread my wings as well start to be allowed to come outside again!!

So, what have I been doing? Well, the building industry (considered an essential service) has continued working throughout Covid19 restrictions, and I’ve been fortunate to have existing projects to work on, new-builds and renovations. It has been quite exciting to see some of these come to completion, with new clients booking up and preparing to meet, once social distancing is eased. But I‘ve also had time to tidy up my studio, update my documentation, free my Mac from accumulated images, and I mean thousands of images, now sorted in folders and ready to use… OR deleted. I’ve also activated some plans for the near future, ideas that finally can see the light of day due to a little extra ‘in studio’ time.. the time we never have enough of! So I hope you too have stayed positive and used this gift of time to reorganise, and get focused! Never a dull moment for the creatives!

Some great news to share with you is that I’m launching on Thursday 28th of May a ‘3 Part’ series of videos, on my YouTube channel, sharing the design journey of a stunning project I’ve been working on for close to two years. A beautiful historic house, over 100 years old, perched on a cliff with expansive ocean views. It was run down and unappreciated for too long, until the new owners took on the massive task of renovating it. Now of course, its elegant new looks updated, it's ready to be revealed, I can’t wait to share this transformation with you! This is a renovation you don't want to miss. Not last, this is the home of George Taubman, YES, the founder of Taubmans Paint, and apart from its architectural details, guess what, the work shed he used mix paints in is still standing and back to life too. Are you curious yet? I can't give it all away, but here are a few before & after images, to get you started.
If you find you have time on your hands and like me, run your own business, this is the perfect time to get things in order, do a ‘Spring clean’, even though it’s not Spring, perhaps join an online course to expand your knowledge and definitely make plans to come out running with excitement… as soon as we can walk. It’s also a great time to make a call, check on how others are doing and write emails to say "hi" refreshing important work connections. Skype and Zoom for face-to-face catchups have proven a great resource, and perhaps webinars to keep your followers engaged. Above all, whatever your field, this is a great time for reflection, which always the optimist, I think it’s about focus, culling the superfluous planning ahead, and emerging stronger than before.

I enjoyed my first coffee sitting at a local café this week, after what feels a long time, what a treat!! It's so exciting to see so many small businesses reopening their doors, as bit by bit we get closer to normality. I too have a whole heap of interesting work to share with you, not just the transformation of the #TheTaubmansHouse but also some brand-new stylish display homes; so to all of my very valued followers, stay tuned, and above all...
Stay strong, stay creative, and support small and local businesses every time you can!
James Treble is an ambassador for Planet Ark and firmly believes in sensible purchasing, recycling and creative re-purposing. James has 3 decades of accumulated experience in the Building Industry, Real Estate and Interior Design and regularly shares his knowledge and experience in adding value to homes through clever design & styling. Watch his free videos on YouTube, and follow him on Facebook and Instagram for more free information.