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  • Writer's pictureDesigner James Treble

Garage and Up

So, you do have a rear lane access to your block: Fantastic! And if you don't have a garage there already, of course you have thought of adding one. Besides protecting your car from the weather, imagine all the storage you gain, all the boxes and well organised things you could keep in there.

image courtesy TENPlay, by De-Clutter Guru Peter Walsh for The Living Room

Or you have a garage there already and it is not in good condition. It's run down, and being at back of the property and not very visible, it is not a priority in your renovations and embellishments' list.

If a coat of paint on its outside walls is not sufficient any longer, the time has come for you to decide what to do with it, and I strongly suggest adding not only extra room for your family to use, but great value to the value of your Home: a Garage Extension.

Now, don't panic. This is a building project, yes, and it will need some spending. But it doesn't have to cost a fortune, and it won't even take that long. In this crazy housing market, if your home has rear lane access, it would be foolish not to invest on it. Whether staying in or moving on, the rear lane access has uses and potential too often unexplored.

In my walking around I am always looking at homes, my favourite past-time. I appreciate and learn from all renovations, being these successful or not. But when I saw the back of this home pictured below I got excited:

  1. the garage is very useful for car and storage

  2. the extension on top grants extra room for the family to enjoy

  3. its simple design has achieved a modern style thanks to the clever choice of dark colours

  4. the external material used, Colorbond, has allowed affordable and quick building.

  5. the extension has increased the house's value by much more that it would have cost to built it.

Think of what you gain by extending a garage: a Granny Flat or a play area for the kids, a studio or home-office... could you rent it out? I can hear you brain thinking.

It would require council approval of course and some planning, so start from getting a quote and comparing the benefits with its costs. Get out in that lane and walk up and down, get ideas and inspiration from your neighbours. Chances are many others have already extended their garage up. You have a very unique chance to increase the appeal of you property's and its value. Make the most of it.

James Treble is an ambassador for Planet Ark and firmly believes in sensible purchasing, recycling and creative re-purposing. James Treble has more than 25 years of experience in the Building Industry and Interior Design. His knowledge and experience in adding value to homes, through clever design & styling, is now published for all to learn and benefit from. Interior Design For Profit is now available online.


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